4 days in Kauai

Recommendation: Book the shuttle to get into Haena State Park

Visiting Kauai was a longtime dream of mine. When the time finally came, but I only had 4 days there, I knew I had to pack it in! If you love being active, here are some Kauai recommendations:

Day 1 - Checked into an Airbnb in Princeville. Opted to stay in Princeville instead of Poipu to be closer to the Haena State Park. Went to Foodland to get some food from their amazing deli (great for fresh poke).

Day 2- Breakfast smoothies at 'The Spot' in Princeville. Drove two hours from Princeville to the Waimea Canyon for an 8-mile hike to the Waimea Canyon River Trail (10/10 recommend).

Stopped to get dinner at food trucks and walk along the ocean trail in downtown Waimea.

Day 3- Breakfast at 'The Wishing Well' (super cute coffee shop) on the way to catch the 8am shuttle to Haena State Park. The shuttle was easy to book in advance and recommended since very limited parking passes are permitted for the Haena State Park.

Did the Hahakapai Falls Trail along the Na Pali coast (the furthest place you can hike without a permit along the Na Pali coast).

Had great Mexican food dinner and drinks in Hanalei. Lots of cute shops to explore in Hanalei.

Day 4- Explored the beach next to the Airbnb then drove to check out Hanea Beach Park for a swim and beach walk. Really cool cave system next to the beach! Rented kayaks in Hanalei to cruise along the river. Got food for a picnic and enjoyed some more beach time!

To maximize time, I took a red eye back home. Landed back in Seattle at 7am to start the work week